Table of Contents
In Ayurveda, Kamala (also known as Jaundice) is a condition characterized by the yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera of the eyes.
It is caused by an imbalance in the Pitta dosha, which governs metabolism and digestion in the body.
According to Ayurvedic principles, the aggravation of Pitta leads to the accumulation of indigested food (ama) in the liver, impairing its function and resulting in the manifestation of Kamala.
- Charaka samhita chikitsa stana.
- Ashtanga hridaya nidana stana.
- Madhava nidana – Pandu Nidana adhyaya.

Nirukti (Word derivation)
कामान् लाति इति कामला।
That which diminish or destroy every desire is known as kamala.
- The Dosha involved is Pitta pradhana tridosha.
Nidana (Causative Factors)
According to Ayurveda, when a person who is already suffering from anemia if that person indulges in the ahara and vihara which increases pitta such as:
- Food with hot potency (Spicy) ,
- Exposing oneself to excessive heat
- Consuming food rich in salty or sour taste
Increases pitta and hence its further vitiation leads to kamala.
According to Harita Samhitha, there are 08 types, they are;
- Vataja – Due to vata vitiation.
- Pittaja – due to pitta vitiation
- Kaphaja – due to kapha vitiation.
- Sannipataja – Due to tridosha vitiation.
- Mrit bhakshana janya – due to excessive consumption of mud (pica).
- Koshta shakha ashraya
- Shakha ashraya
- Haleemaka
General features
हारिद्र नेत्र स भृशं हारिद्र त्वक् नख आनन।
रक्त पीत शकृत मूत्र भेकवर्णे हतेन्द्रियः।।
- Yellowish discoloration of eyes, skin, nails and oral cavity.
- Reddish yellow discoloration of stools and urine.
- भेकवर्णे means the yellow color resembling to yellow species of frog.
- The term भेक means frog.

1st Classification:
- Alpa Pitta
- Bahupitta
2nd Classification:
- Swatantra
- Paratantra
Shakha ashraya kamala
Vitiated Doshas are Vata and Kapha.
The Probable pathogenesis for this is;
- The vitiated Kapha blocks the Channels which transport pitta (bile)
- This leads to vitiation of vata due to blockage.
- Due to the blockage there is no flow of bile to the deodenum.
- Since bile pigments are important to impart normal color to the stools; their absence leads to clay colored stools (श्वेत वर्ण )
- Similie is told in Charaka Samhita as ‘तिल पिष्ट सन्निभा ‘ i.e, the color of stools resemble to the color of Sesame paste.
- This can be probably corelated to Obstructive Jaundice.
Treatment principle as per Charaka is;
Matulunga Swarasa (Juice of Citron fruit) along with Pippali (Piper longum), Maricha (Piper nigrum) and Ginger is administered.
The citron helps in Vata Anulomana whereas Ushna dravyas like pepper and ginger removes the excessive Kapha which helps in removing the blockage.
Duration of the Treatment:
The treatment should be continued till the normal color of stools is regained which indicates flow of Bile pigments is normal.

Haleemaka is one of the type of Jaundice in Ayurveda,
The features are;
- Yellowish or Greenish black or pale discoloration of skin, sclera, mucous membrane.
- Loss of strength.
- Loss of libido.
- Body pain
- Excessive thirst
- Dyspnoea
- Anorexia
- Exhaustion
This arises due to bad prognosis of disease.
Treatment: Guduchi swarasa (juice of Tinospora cardifolia) with cow’s milk and buffalo’s ghee (clarified butter) .
It is explained by Acharya Madhavakara in Madhava nidana’s Pandu nidana.
If the patient develops severe diarrhea along with all the signs and symptoms of kamala then that condition is known as Panaki.
Hence following proper measures before and after the disease is helpful in reducing the further complications that may arise with Jaundice.
The proper prognosis and proper treatment given when the disease is diagnosed definately helps grately to stop the further development of disease.
Is prior manifestation of pandu necessary for kamala?
According to Vaghbhata there are 2 types of kamala;
- swatantra
- paratantra
Swatantra type does not need prior manifestation of pandu before Kamala.
What is Jaundice called in Ayurveda?
Jaundice is known as Kamala in Sanskrit or in Ayurveda.
Is there a separate chapter for jaundice in Ayurveda?
Jaundice is explained under the Pandu chapter in all the samhitas.
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