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In Ayurveda, Sneha Kalpana refers to the art and science of preparing medicated oils and ghee (clarified butter)-based formulations. The term “Sneha” translates to “oil” or “fat,” indicating the predominant use of oil-based ingredients in these formulations.
Sneha Kalpana plays a crucial role in Ayurvedic treatment modalities, offering a holistic approach to health and well-being.
It is basically used in Gandusha (oil pulling), Abhyanga (oil massages), Tarpana (Eye therapy), Basti (Enema) and more..
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Notes of Sneha Kalpana
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The Importance of Sneha Kalpana in Ayurvedic Medicine
Sneha Kalpana holds a significant position in Ayurvedic medicine due to its multifaceted benefits.
These formulations are revered for their ability to deeply nourish the body, as it crosses all the cell membranes and even blood brain barrier, enhance absorption of nutrients, and promote the proper functioning of bodily systems.
They are also instrumental in pacifying dosha imbalances, thereby restoring equilibrium and promoting overall health.
Sources & Types
There are 02 sources of sneha:
- Janghama- Animal based
- Sthavara – Plant based
Types of Sneha:
There are 04 types of Sneha:
- Ghrita – Ghee
- Taila – Oils
- Vasa – Muscle fat
- Majja – Bone marrow
What is Sneha Kalpana?
The medicaments, prepared by using
1 part of kalka dravya (drug used in paste form)
4 parts of oil/ghee and
16 parts of drava dravya (The prescribed liquid)
कल्कात् चतुर्गुणीकृत्य घतं वा तैलमेव वा।
चतुर्गुणे द्रवे साध्यं तस्य मात्रा पलोन्मिता ॥
Reference: Sharangadhara Samhita
शा.म.ख 9th chapter.
Aims of Sneha Kalpana
- To extract the active principles of plants and minerals into fatty media.
- To obtain extra benefits of specific oil/ghee used.
- To preserve the drug/drugs for longer time.
- To enhance and hasten the absorption of drugs, when used topically in fatty medias.
Essential Ingredients
Dravya | Parts |
Kalka dravya | 1 Part |
Sneha dravya | 4 Parts |
Drava dravya | 16 Parts |
General method of Sneha Kalpana :
To prepare any medicated ghee or oil, following steps are to be followed:
Step 1 – 1 Part of Kalka dravya, 4 Parts of murcchita ghee/oil and 16 Parts of drava dravya are to be mixed together
Step 2 – The mixture of these are boiled on mandagni (low flame) till only ghee / oil part remains.
Step 3 – Then it is filtered with the help of cloth and stored in a sterile air tight container
How to know if oil is properly prepared?
To know if the oil we are preparing is prepared properly our acharyas (sages) have given few tests to perform called as “Sneha Siddhi Lakshana”, they are;
- Sneha Kalka (the paste of drugs) becomes wick like, when rolled between two fingers.
- There should not be any sound when rolled wick of paste is put over fire.
- Foam is observed when the oil preparation completes; on the contrary foam subsides in ghee (grita paka).
- Specific colour, odour and taste of the ingredients become marked when the oil is completely prepared.
Time Duration for Oil preparation
- The preparations like oil, ghee and Guda (Avaleha) should not be completed within a day.
- To gain more potency they should be prepared in more than a day.
Time taken for the completion of Sneha Kalpa Varies according to the nature of Drava dravyas as shown below
Drava dravya | Time duration |
1. Vrihi (gruel), Mamsa rasa (mutton soup) | 1 day |
2. Milk | 2 days |
3. Swarasa (expressed juice) of different parts of plants | 3 days |
4. Takra (buttermilk) and aranala (fermented gruel) | 5 days |
5. Moola (roots) and valli (creepers) | 12 days |

Shelf life of traditionally prepared oil
Sixteen months is the shelf life of any sneha kalpana (medicated ghee or oils)
Note: Few books mention the sneha kalpana’s shelf life as ‘four months’.
A clearly mentions the shelf life however, this cannot be agreed as shärangadhara mentions clearly as sixteen months and Adhamalla clarifies the same.
Moreover four months shelf life is untrue if thought on practical grounds also. No sneha preparation is discarded after four months of its preparation.
General dosage and adjuvants of Sneha
One pala (48 g) is the general dosage of ‘snehakalpanā’ administered along with suitable adjuvants like warm water, honey, sugar, medicinal powders, decoctions etc.
..तस्य मात्रा पलोन्मिता ॥ (Śā. Ma. Kha. 9/1)
Depending on the digestion capacity of the patient the dose has to be finalized
देया दीप्ताग्नये मात्रा स्नेहस्य पलसम्मिता । मध्यमाय त्रिकर्षा स्याज्जघन्याय द्विकार्षिकी ।
(Śā.U.Kha 1/7)
Examples of some Ayurvedic oils and Ghee
Ghee preparation |
Oils preparations
· Amrta ghrta | · Arka taila |
· Aswagandhã ghrita | · Anutaila |
· Bhallataka taila patana | |
· Changeri ghrita | · Bhringaraja taila |
· Draksã ghrita | · Cakramarda taila |
· Jatyadi ghrita | · Jatyadi taila |
· Kshirashatpala ghrita | · Kasisãdi taila |
· Pañcagavya ghrita | |
· Pañchatikta ghrita | · Mahanarayana taila |
· Maricãdi taila | |
· Pippali ghrita | · Närayana taila |
· Shatavari ghrita | · Pañcaguna taila |
· Shunthi ghrita | · Pinda taila |
· Triphalã ghrita | · Sadbindu taila |
In Ayurveda, Sneha Kalpana is like nature’s gentle hug, using special oils and ghee to make us feel amazing. Whether it’s a soothing massage or adding a spoonful of ghee to our food, Sneha Kalpana helps us stay balanced and healthy every day.
It’s not about fixing problems; it’s about listening to our bodies and giving them the care they deserve. Sneha Kalpana reminds us to connect with nature’s healing power in simple yet powerful ways.
So let’s keep Sneha Kalpana close, remembering its soothing touch and its ability to bring us back into balance. Because it’s not just about feeling better—it’s about living better, in tune with ourselves and the world around us.
Where is Sneha Kalpana mentioned?
It is mentioned in Sharangadhara samhita
It is mentioned in Madhyama khanda 9th chapter
What is the logic behind mixing water in oil?
The active principles found in the medicinal plants are categorized into water soluble and lipid soluble. First the water soluble are extracted into the water and then it can be infused into oil.
Why can't we add herbs directly into oil and boil?
Because putting the herbs directly into oil and giving it heat causes the active principles which are volatile to evaporate instead of being infused.
I love the new FAQ option you’ve added. It helps a lot. As always thanks for all the knowledge.